City of Weston
PO Box 579
114 Main Street
Weston OR 97886
(541) 566-3313
(541) 566-2792
City Hall Hours:
Monday - Friday:
8:00am - 5:00pm
LUNCH ( 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm )
City Recorder-Full Time
The City of Weston is seeking a full time City Recorder. Duties include planning, organizing & performing all fiscal elements related to the city such as financial accounting systems, utility billing, payroll, personnel and maintenance of official city records. Acts as City Elections & Budget Officer. Supports the Mayor & Council, as well as supervision to other city staff. Requires to ability to work with the public.
Hours: Full time
Salary: Depending on experience/qualifications
Applications for employment & complete job description(s) available at Weston City Hall (114 E Main Street, Weston, OR 97886) Mon-Thurs 7am-11am & 1:30pm-5:30pm. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Applications being accepted until filled.